Privacy policy of PRAKTIKA LLC

Rev.№1 of 01.02.2021

1.Terms and defenitions
1.1 Society LLC PRAKTIKA
1.2 User-users of the site
1.3 Webside
1.4 Personal data- personal data authorized for processing under this Pivacy Policy,which are provided by the User by filling in the data in the feedback forms on the site and include the following information Surname,first name,patronymic The User's contact phone number E-mail Other personal data of the User Not all data filled in in the feedback forms is personal
1.5 Processing of personal data-any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools,with personal data,including:collection,recording,systematization,accomulation,storage,clarification (updating,modification), extraction,use,transfer (provision,access),depersonalization,blocking,deletion,destruction of personal data
1.7 The Policy is this Privacy Policy
1.8 Parties - the Company and the User
1.9 E-mail ofthe Company -
2. General Provision
2.1 The Policy on the processing and protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policyor Privacy Policy) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 №152-FL ''On the personal data'' (hereinafter referred to as the Law), other regulatory legal acts in the field of personal data
2.2 The Privacy policy applies to information related to personal data and received by the Company from the Userduring his use of the Site and during the execution by the Company of any agreements and contracts with the User
2.3 Use of the site means the User's unconditional consent to this processing his personal data specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions,the User must refrain from using the site
2.4 The Policy comes into force from the moment the User agrees to it is terms in the manner prescribedby paragraph 2.3 of this Policy
2.5 The user is considerd yo have accepted the terms of this Policy when performing the following actions: The user began to use theinformation and materials on the site Having performed the above actions,the User is concidered to have accepted the terms of this Policy in full without reservations and exceptions
2.6 The text of this Policy may be changed by the Company without prior notice to the user,the new version of the Policy comes into force from the date of posting on the Site or other date specified in the Policy,as the Company informs by publishing a new version of the Policy on the site. At each subsequent visit to the site,the User undertakes to get acquanted with the new version of the Policy. Continued use of the site will mean the User's consent to the terms of the new vesion of the site
2.7 The Company does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the personal data provided by the User and is not able to assess his legal capacity.However the Company assumes that the User provides realibe and suffcient peesonal data and keeps this data up to date. The Company is not responsible for any negative consequences that may arise as a result of the unreability of these personal data,including in case of personal data of third parties

3. Purposes of processing the User's personal data
3.1 The Company collects and processes personal data for the following purposes:
3.1.1 indenfication of the User;
3.1.2 providing the User with the services specified in the User's applications;
3.1.3 improving the quality of services,usability of the site;
3.1.4 conducting statistical and other studies based on anonymized data
4 Conditions for processing in the User's personal imformation and it's transfer to third parties
4.1 The User's personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems,exept in cases where manual processingof personal data is necessary in connection with the fulfillmentof legal requirements or for the fulfillment of the terms of the Offer Agreement
4.2.1 Provision of the User's personal data when filling out web forms on the site
4.2.2 Automatic collection of information about the User using technologies and services: web protocols,cookies,web marks,which are launched only when the Userenters his data. With regard to the User's personal data,their confidentiality is maintained,exept in cases of voluntary provision by the User of information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons
4.3 The Company has the right to transfer the User's personal datta to third parties in the following cases:
4.3.1 The user has agreed to such actions
4.3.2 The transfer is necessary for the User's use of the Site or for the execution of a certain agreement or contract
4.3.3 At the request of the authorized bodies of state power of the Rusiian Federation on the base of a duly executed request on the grounds and in accordance with the procedure established by the legision of the Russian Federation
4.4 Processing of the User's personal data is carried out by the Company using data bases located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Due to the fact that the Site uses social media widgets,as well as cookies of some foreign analytics services,such as Google Analytics,the transfrer of lemited set of data,such as the User's pseudonym and the address of the User's device and it is technical characteristics through which the User accessed the site,may be cross-border,of which the User is
4.5 Statistical data obtained as a result of the processing of the User's personal data by it is depersonalization may be transferred to a third party for research,work or services on behalf on the Company
5 Change and deletion of the User's personal data. Mandatory storage of personal data
5.1 The User may change (update,supplement) the Company provided by him at any time
5.2 The User has the right to withdraw his consent to the personal data. The user has the right to withdrw his consent to the processing of personal data by sending such a notification by e-mail of the Company
5.3 The Company has the right to process the User's personal data within 15 (fifteen) years from the date of obtainimg consent from the User to the processing of Personal data

6 Measuresused toprotrct the User's personal data
6.1 The Company takes necessary and sufficient organisational and and technical measures to protect the User's personal data drom unauthorised or accidental access,destruction,modification,blocking,copying,distribution,as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with them. Employees of the Company,contractors and authorised persons can access the data and information receivedfrom the User,but their duties in oerder to perfoerm p 3.1. Policy. Employees of the Company,contractors and authorised persons who are granted access to personal data and infpormation about the User are obliged to ensure their confidentiality. They are also prohibited from using the User's personal data for any purpose other than those specified in p 3.1 Policy

7 Obligations of the Company
7.1 The Compny is obliged:
7.1.1 Provide,at the request of the User,information about the processing of his personal data or a reasonable refusal to provide
7.1.2 Take measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of the duties provided by the Law
7.1.3 At the request of the User,specify the processed personal data,block or delete if they are incomplete,outdated,inaccurate, illegaly obtained or unnecessary for the stated purpose of processing
7.1.4 To ensure the legality of the processing of personal data. If it is impossible to ensure the legality of processing of personal data,the Company,within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of detection of illegal processing of personal data, is obliged to destroy or ensure their destruction
7.1.5 If the User withdraws consent to the processing of personal data,stop their processing and desrtroy them within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of receipt of rhe said withdrawal,wxpwect in caseswhere processing can be continued in accordance with the legislation

8 Information on the implemented requirements for the protection of personal data
8.1 The protection of personal data processed by the Company is ensured by the implementation of legal,organisational and technical measures necessary and sufficient to meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the area of personal data protection
8.2 Legal measures include:
8.2.1 Development of local acts of the Company implementing the requirements of Russian legislation including this Privacy Policy,and posting it on the Site
8.2.2 Refufal of any methods of processing data that do not meen the purposes predetermined by the Company
8.3 Organisational measures includes:
8.3.1 Appointment of the person responsible for organisating the processing of personal data
8.3.2 Restruction of the composition of the Company's empoyees who have access to personal data and the organisation of a permit systems of access to them
8.3.3 familiarisation of the Company's employees with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data,including the requirements for the protection of personal data,with local acts of the Company on the processing of personal data,training of these employeess
9 Responsibility of the Parties
9.1 The Companythat has not fulfilled it's obligations to protect the User's personal data is liable for real documented damage suffered by the User in connection with the misuse of his personal data,in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,exept in cases provided for in subparagraphs 4.3 and 9.2 of this Policy
9.2 In case of loss or disclosure of the User's personal data,the Company is not responsible if the personal data:
9.2.1 Became public before their loss or disclosure
9.2.2 Were received from a third party beefore they were received by the Company

10 Limited of the Policy
10.1 The Policy applies exlusively to the Site and does not appy to other internet resouces
10.2 The User is obliged to reasonably and resonsibly approach the placment of his own personal data on the Site in the pubic domain when leaving feedback and comments
10.3 The Company is not responsible for the actions of third parties who have gained access to the User's peersonal data through the fault of the latter
10.4 The site may contain links to other websites and services,goods,isage right granted by third parties. The terms of this Policy apply only to personal data and informationabout the User that the Company receives as part of fulfilling it's obligations to the User,the Company does not control and is not responsible for any data that third parties may collect,store and use through their websites or within the framework of the services provided to the User (goods,works,right of use)

11 Dispute resolution procedure
11.1 All disputes and disagreements that may arise in connection with the Implementation,change of the Policy,the Partis will strive to resolve throuhg negotiations. The party whose claims have arisen shall send communication to the other Party indicating the claims that have arisen and the circumstances to which it refers
11.2 If the response to the claim is not received by the Party that sent the message within 30 calendar days from the date of sending the clai or if the Prties do not agree on the disageements that have arisen,the dipute shall be resolved in court at the location of the Company in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

12 User's Appeals
12.1 The User has the right to send his requests to the Comany including requests regarding the use of his personal data:
12.1.1 In writing to the Company's address specified in the conclusion of the Policy
12.1.2 in the form of an electronic document to the Company's e-mail address
12.2 Specified in p. 12.1 of this Policy,the request must contain the following information:
12.2.1 The number of the main identity document of the User
12.2.2 Information on the dateof issue of the said document and the ussuing authority
12.2.3 Information confirming the User's participation in relations with the Company
12.2.4 Signature of the User
12.3 The Company undertakes to consider and send a respone to the received request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the appeal
12.4 All correspondence received by the Company from te User (appels in written or electronic form) referss to restricted information and is not disclosed without his written consent

13 Consent to the processing of personal data
13.1 By joining this Policy,the User authorised the Company to process personal data using automation tools or without using such tools for purposes specified in p. 3 of Privacy Policy under the terms of this Policy

14 Final provisions
14.1 Recognition by the court of any provision of the Policy as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Policy
14.2 This Policy constitues an agreement between the User and the Company regarding the procedure for the use and processing of personal data and supersedes all previous agreements between the User and the Company
14.3 The User confirms that he has read all the provisions of the Policy,understands and accepts them
14.4 This version of the Policy comes inti Force and applies to all Users from the date of oi's placement on the site specified in te upper left corner of the Policy11